Building a Checklist for Birds of Fraser’s Hill

This article is published in the Malaysian Naturalist Volume 78.1 September-November 2024


Building a Checklist of Birds of Fraser’s Hill:

with Scientific, English and Malay names

Rosli Omar, Henry Goh, Rafi Kudus

28 November 2024


This Checklist is an attempt to update the last-known available checklist, that in Davison, Foley and Hogg, A Naturalist Guide to the Birds of Fraser’s Hill and the Highlands of Peninsular Malaysia, published in 2019 (Davison et al., 2019, or DFH for short). It has 311 species. Since then, more have been observed.

This updated checklist is divided into two, Checklist A and Checklist B. Checklist A consists of birds that are relatively common and thus more likely to be encountered by birders. Checklist B are those that are rarer. This we hope will make it easier to use the Checklists. See another reason below for having two separate checklists.

Checklist A has 229 species and Checklist B, 107. That is, in total 336 species for Fraser’s Hill, an increase of 25 species from DFH’s.

We started with the list of birds of Fraser’s Hill in which has 424 species (last accessed 21 September 2024). We noted the list of birds in DFH’s corresponding to those in eBird’s list. There were birds in the former that were not in eBird’s especially those that were netted in the 20th century, for example, for surveys and research. We then started the process of determining what we deemed to be suspect records in eBird’s list and deleting them.

One main reason for the suspect birds is, we think, many species recorded somewhere else were reported as observed in Fraser’s Hill. This happened when a reporter birded in, say, Kuala Selangor Nature Park (KSNP), in the morning and in Fraser’s in the afternoon but reported all for Fraser’s. Thus, quite a few records of mangrove birds such as herons and lowland birds ending in the Fraser’s eBird list. A similar list by birder Sze On Ong reported birds that he observed from the moment he arrived in KLIA, to Kuala Kubu Baru to Fraser’s Hill, but all reported as for Fraser’s. But he was good enough to specify where he saw the birds, which many birders did not do.

Also, it is not surprising that birders made mistakes in identification. Many were first time overseas visitors to Fraser’s who stayed for a few days (or even just one day). Thus, it was easy for them to make mistakes. There are supposed to be reviewers checking on out-of-place observations, but it does not seem to work all the time.

Because of the above two reasons of why some eBird observations were suspect for Fraser’s Hill (birds observed elsewhere but reported for Fraser’s, and inexperienced birders possibly misidentifying the birds) is another reason why we have decided to have these observations put into Checklist B. We are not absolutely sure to disregard them altogether but to put them into a single checklist together with trustworthy observations is to give them too much credibility.

Sometime ago, there was a website where mostly local birders report their sightings, the database Bird-I-Witness (BIW). You knew who the experienced birders were and thus their sightings, even rare ones, were trustworthy. But the website closed about 2015. If only we can have such a website again, observations would be more trustworthy.


1.In the last column of the Checklists, the Notes section, for certain species, especially where we wanted to check further as to their inclusion, we note:

-number of observations in eBird;

-year of the latest observation of the species. Those observed a long time ago are likely to be in Checklist B. This last-year-of-observation is the only one given by eBird with any detail of the observation of the species. Here we can try to determine whether the observation is ‘unsafe’ or ‘suspect’ or up for consideration;

-elevation of the observed species in metres above-sea-level (asl – mainly from LYL, Lim et al, 2024));

-whether it is in the DFH checklist;

-whether it is a resident or passage migrant/visitor. The latter is more likely to cross the Titiwangsa Main Range (and thus potentially spotted in Fraser’s Hill) even if its habitat on migration is the lowlands.

-sensitive, a category by eBird for birds likely to be targeted, say, for poaching and thus observations are not reported.

2.The Gap, at the foothill of Fraser’s Hill, is at about 830m asl, and Fraser’s Hill proper at about 1000m to 1300m asl.

3.Grey is spelled Gray in eBird; Chequer as Checker.

Comments are welcome. Please email us at: (Rosli Omar)  (Henry Goh) (Rafi Kudus)

The Checklists


-AfiqAR, C Foley, Neoh HK, C Robson, Kok Hui Tan: experienced observers.

-biw: the database Bird-I-Witness, now closed. Records obtained from Rosli Omar (2018).

-dfh: Davison, G., Foley, K., and Hogg, A. (2019). Birds of Fraser’s Hill and the Highlands of Peninsular Malaysia. John Beaufoy Publishing. Oxford.


Gng: Gunung (Mount)

-j&p: Jeyarajasingam, A., and Pearson, A. (2012). A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. Oxford University Press. Oxford.

-inat: iNaturalist.

-iucn: International Union for the Conservation of Nature, the Red List.

-lyl: Lim, K,S., Yong, D.L., Lim, K.C (2024). A Field Guide to the Birds of Malaysia. John Beaufoy Publishing: Oxford.

-mybis: Malaysian Biodiversity Information System.

-obs: Observations

-PM: Peninsular Malaysia

-pdl: Puan, C.L., Davison, G., Lim, K.C. (2020). Checklist of the Birds of Malaysia. Lynx: Barcelona

-sze. Sze On Ong, an experienced birder who reported his observations in eBird, over five days of birding in Fraser’s (and others – but all reported for Fraser’s Hill). (Last accessed 21 September 2024)

-Top10A. Log books of the top 10 ‘Advanced’ category participants in the 2024 Fraser’s Hill Birdrace.

-Top5N. Log books of the top 5 ‘Novice’ category participants in the 2024 Fraser’s Hill Birdrace.

-wca: Wildlife Conservation (amendment of schedule order 2012) Act. The Attorney General’s Chambers, Malaysia (AGC 2012)

-wells: 1) Wells, D.R., (1999). Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Academic Press. San Diego. Or,

2) Wells, D.R., (2007). Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Volume Two: Passerines. Christopher Helm. London.

-Presence status: R: Regular/Resident; Pm: Passage migrant; V: Visitor;  Vt: Vagrant.

-+: A species added to the Checklist which is not in the eBird 424 species list for Fraser’s Hill.

Rarity (for a species general habitat, not specifically Fraser’s Hill)

C – Common

Fc – Fairly Common

L – Local

Lc – Locally Common

Uc – Uncommon

Re – Rare

Checklist A: Relatively common  birds of Fraser’s Hill or uncommon but with reliable recent observations – with Scientific, English, and Malay names. Scientific and English names following, Malay names are from

 Scientific nameEnglish nameMalay nameNotes
1  Arborophila campbelliMalayan Partridge 1.Malay Partridge – pdl  Siul Serok-gunung 1.Siul Serok Gunung (mybis)eB 534 obs. Near Endemic, scarce R.
2Polyplectron inopinatumMountain Peacock-pheasantKuang Cermin (wca)eB 26 obs. Near Endemic, Uc to Lc R.
3Gallus gallusRed JunglefowlAyam Hutan (wca)eB 57 obs. Sze. 2 Top10A. Not in dfh. To 2100m (Gng Brincang). R.
4Columba liviaRock Dove 1.Domestic Pigeon – dfhMerpati (mybis)eB 44 obs. In dfh. R
5Macropygia unchallBarred Cuckoo-doveTekukur-gunung Besar 1.Tekukur Api Gunung (wca)eB 40 obs. 1 Top10A. R
6Macropygia ruficepsLittle Cuckoo-doveTekukur-gunung Kecil 1.Tekukur Api (wca)eB 1358 obs.
7Chalcophaps indicaAsian Emerald Dove 1.Grey-capped Emerald Dove – pdlTekukur-tanah 1.Punai Tanah (wca)eB 207 obs. To 1500m. R
8  Treron curvirostraThick-billed Green-pigeonPunai Lengguak (wca)eB 23 obs. Lowlands and hills to 1000m. R
9  Treron seimundiYellow-vented Green-pigeonPunai Gunung (wca)eB 75 obs. R
10  Treron sphenurusWedge-tailed Green-pigeonPunai Bukit (wca)eB 44 obs. R
11  Ducula badiaMountain Imperial-pigeonPergam Gunong (wca)eB 1167 obs. R
12  Lyncornis temminckiiMalaysian Eared-nightjar 1.Malay Eared-nightjar – pdlTukang Tabtibau Kecil 1.Tukang Tabtibau (wca)eB 44 obs. R
13  Caprimulgus jotakaGrey NightjarTukang Kelabu (wca)eB 104 obs. To 2500m. Pm, V
14  Hemiprocne longipennisGrey-rumped TreeswiftLelayangjambul Kelabu 1.Layang-layang Jambul Kelabu (wca)128 obs eB. R
15  Hemiprocne comataWhiskered TreeswiftLelayangjambul Kecil 1.Layang-layang Jambul Kecil (wca)58 obs eB. Not in dfh. To 1200m. R
16Rhaphidura leucopygialisSilver-rumped SpinetailLelayang Kenit Pinggul-putih 1.Layang-layang Kecil (wca)eB 104 obs. R
17  Hirundapus cochinchinensisSilver-backed NeedletailLelayang Jarum Belakang-putih 1.Layang-layang Rengkong Putih (wca)13 obs eB. In dfh. To 3300m. V  
18Hirundapus giganteusBrown-backed NeedletailLelayang Jarum Besar 1.Layang-layang Besar (wca)77 obs eB. R, V
19Collocalia affinis 1.Collocalia esculenta (iucn,inat,mybis)Plume-toed Swiftlet 1.Western Glossy Swiftlet (pdl)Lelayang Kecil Perut-putih 1.Layang-layang Perut Putih (wca)1155 obs eB. R
20Hydrochous gigasWaterfall Swift (iucn,inat) 1.Giant Swiftlet (inat)Lelayang Kecil Hantu 1.Layang-layang Hantu (wca)20 obs eB. In dfh, netted. R
21Aerodramus brevirostrisHimalayan SwiftletLelayang Kecil Himalaya 1.Layang-layang Himalaya (wca)32 obs eB. To 3000m. V, Pm.
22Aerodramus maximusBlack-nest SwiftletLelayang Kecil Padi 1.Layang-layang Padi (mybis)57 obs eB. Not in dfh. C R.
23Aerodramus germani 1.Aerodramus (fuciphagus) germani – pdlGermain’s Swiftlet 1.Edible-nest Swiftlet – dfhLelayang Kecil Gua140 obs eB. Lc R
24Cypsiurus balasiensisAsian Palm Swift 1.Asian Palm-swift – pdlLelayang Palma Asia 1.Layang-layang Asia (mybis)24 obs eB. In dfh. R
25Apus pacificusPacific Swift 1.Fork-tailed Swift – dfhLelayang Ekor-cabang 1.Layang-layang Ekor Cabang (wca)198 obs eB. Uc-Fc V, Pm
26Apus cookiCook’s SwiftLelayang Tongkeng-putih37 obs eB. Uc V.
27Apus nipalensisHouse SwiftLelayang Rumah 1.Layang-layang Rumah (wca)838 obs eB. R
28Centropus sinensisGreater CoucalBub-but Cari-anak 1.But-but Carik Anak (wca)12 obs eB. In dfh. To 1500m. R
29Rhinortha chlorophaeaRaffles’s MalkohaCenok Kera (mybis) 1.Cenok Kerak (wca)39 obs eB. In dfh. To 1000m. R
30Zanclostomus javanicusRed-billed MalkohaCenok Api (wca)74 obs eB. R
31Phaenicophaeus tristisGreen-billed MalkohaCenok Besar (mybis)310 obs eB. R
32Phaenicophaeus curvirostrisChestnut-breasted MalkohaCenok Birah (wca)37 obs eB. To 1200m. R
33Cacomantis merulinusPlaintive CuckooSewah Mati-anak 1.Sewah Mati Anak (wca)14 obs eB. 2024. In dfh. To 1800m. R
34Eudynamys scolopaceusAsian Koel 1.Western Koel – pdlSewah Tahu (wca) 1.Sewah Tawu (mybis)16 obs eB. In dfh. To 1200m. Fc to C R. Uc Pm, V.
35Cacomantis sonneratiiBanded Bay CuckooSewah Takuweh (wca)23 obs eB. In dfh. To 1800m. R
36Cacomantis variolosus 1.Cacomantis (variolosus) sepulcralis – pdlBrush Cuckoo 1.Rusty-breasted Cuckoo – pdlSewah Gila (wca)24 obs eB. In dfh. To 1100m. R
37Surniculus lugubrisSquare-tailed Drongo-cuckooSewah Sawai Ekor-lurus 1.Sewah Sawai (wca)56 obs eB. To 1300m.V
38Hierococcyx bockiDark Hawk-cuckoo 1.Mountain Hawk-cuckoo – dfhSewah Tekukur Gelap293 obs eB.  R
39Cuculus micropterusIndian CuckooSewah India (wca)32 obs eB. R,V
40Cuculus lepidusSunda CuckooSewah Sunda124 obs eB. R
41Taenioptynx brodiei 1.Glaucidium brodiei – pdlCollared OwletHantu Kecil Bercekak 1.Hantu Kecil (wca)eB 547 obs. 250-2100m. Uc R
42Otus lempijiSunda Scops-owl 1.Collared Scops-owl – dfhHantu Tanduk Reban 1.Hantu Reban (wca)eB 15 obs. In dfh. To 1100m. C R
43Otus spilocephalusMountain Scops-owlHantu Tanduk Gunung 1.Hantu Gunung (wca)eB 352 obs. C R
44Strix leptogrammica 1.Strix (leptogrammica) leptogrammica – pdlBrown Wood-owlHantu Rimba Punggor 1.Hantu Punggor (wca)eB 200 obs. Uc R
45Pernis ptilorhynchusOriental Honey-buzzard 1.Indomalayan Honey-buzzard – pdlLang-lebah 1.Lang Lebah (wca)  eB 206 obs. Uc R
46Spilornis cheelaCrested Serpent-eagleLang-naga Jambul 1.Lang Berjambul (wca)eB 416 obs. C R & V
47Nisaetus albonigerBlyth’s Hawk-eagleLang-rajawali Hantu 1.Lang Hantu (wca)eB 351 obs. Uc to Lc R
48Nisaetus cirrhatus 1.Nisaetus (cirrhatus) limnaeetus – pdlChangeable Hawk-eagleLang-rajawali Hindek 1.Lang Hindek (wca)eB 44 obs. C R
49Lophotriorchis kieneriiRufous-bellied Eagle 1. Rufous-bellied Hawk-eagle (mybis)Lang Perut-merah 1.Lang Bandong (wca)  eB 58 obs. In dfh. Uc R
50Ictinaetus malaiensisBlack EagleLang Hitam (wca)eB 243 obs. Uc R
51Accipiter gularisJapanese SparrowhawkLang-sewah Jepun 1.Lang Sawah (wca)eB 17 obs. Photo, 2024. In dfh. C V, Pm
52Harpactes oreskiosOrange-breasted TrogonKesumba Harimau (wca)eB 108 obs. In dfh. Lc R
53Harpactes erythrocephalusRed-headed TrogonKesumba Gunung (wca)eB 1010 obs. Fc R
54Berenicornis comatusWhite-crowned HornbillEnggang Jambul-putih 1.Enggang Jambul Putih (wca)eB 21 obs. Uc R
55Buceros bicornisGreat HornbillEnggang Papan (wca)eB 92 obs. Uc R
56Buceros rhinocerosRhinoceros HornbillEnggang Badak (wca)eB 134 obs. Uc R
57Anorrhinus galeritusBushy-crested HornbillEnggang Belukar (wca)eB 37 obs. Fc R
58Rhyticeros undulatusWreathed HornbillEnggang Gunung (wca)eB 184 obs. Lc R
59Nyctyornis amictusRed-bearded Bee-eaterBeberek Janggut-merah 1.Berek-berek Janggut Merah (wca)eB 274 obs. Fc R
60Merops viridisBlue-throated Bee-eaterBeberek Tadah-hujan 1.Berek-berek Tadah Hujan (wca)eB 100 obs. Obs in biw. To 1200m. C R, V, Pm
61Merops philippinusBlue-tailed Bee-eaterBeberek Ekor-biru (mybis)eB 19 obs. In dfh. To 1000m. Uc L R, C V, Pm
62Eurystomus orientalisDollarbird 1.Oriental Dollarbird – lylTiongrupa Paruh-merah 1.Tiong Batu (wca)eB 21 obs. In dfh. To 1500m.
63Lacedo pulchellaBanded KingfisherPekaka Jalur 1.Pekaka Riang Rimba (wca)eB 32 obs. In dfh. R
64Caloramphus hayiiSooty Barbet 1.Malay Brown Barbet – pdlTakur Dahan Perang 1.Takur Dahan (wca)eB 116 obs. R  
65Psilopogon duvauceliiBlack-eared Barbet 1.Blue-eared Barbet  (pdl,wca)Takur Akar (wca)eB 165 obs. 1 Top5N.
66Psilopogon pyrolophusFire-tufted BarbetTakur Api (wca)eB 1788 obs.
67Psilopogon mystacophanosRed-throated BarbetTakur Raya (wca) 1.Takur Tekak Merah (mybis)eB 159 obs.
68Psilopogon henriciiYellow-crowned BarbetTakur Mahkota-kuning 1.Takur Mahkota Kuning (wca)eB 64 obs.
69Psilopogon franklinii 1.Psilopogon (franklinii) ramsayi – pdlGolden-throated Barbet 1.Malay Golden-throated Barbet – pdlTakur Leher-emas Takur Leher Emas (wca)eB 57 obs.
70Psilopogon chrysopogonGold-whiskered BarbetTakur Jambang-emas 1.Takur Jambang Emas (wca)eB 239 obs.
71Psilopogon oortiBlack-browed BarbetTakur Bukit (wca)eB 1387 obs.
72Sasia abnormisRufous PiculetBelatok Katik Jingga 1.Belatuk Kecil (wca)eB 32 obs. In dfh. To 1300m. R
73Picumnus innominatusSpeckled PiculetBelatok Katik Belang 1.Belatuk Belang (wca)eB 204 obs.  
74Hemicircus concretus 1.Hemicircus sordidus – pdlGrey-and-buff WoodpeckerBelatok Pungguh (wca)eB 16 obs. In dfh. To 1500m. R
75Blythipicus rubiginosusMaroon WoodpeckerBelatok Pungguk (wca)eB 117 obs. R
76Blythipicus pyrrhotisBay WoodpeckerBelatok Bulan (wca)eB 248 obs. R
77Chrysocolaptes validusOrange-backed WoodpeckerBelatok Ranum (wca)eB 31 obs. In dfh. To 1900m. R
78Gecinulus viridisBamboo WoodpeckerBelatok Buluh (wca)eB 72 obs. To 1400m. Uc R
79Meiglyptes grammithoraxBuff-rumped WoodpeckerBelatok Awan (wca,wells)eB 94 obs. R
80Chrysophlegma miniaceumBanded WoodpeckerBelatok Merah (wca)eB 70 obs. R
81Chrysophlegma mentale 1.Chrysophlegma humii – pdl 2.Picus mentalis (wca)Chequer-throated Woodpecker 1.Chequer-throated Yellownape- pdlBelatok Ranting (wca)eB 29 obs. In dfh. To 1200m. R (Checker-throated Woodpecker – eB)
82Chrysophlegma flavinuchaGreater YellownapeBelatok Tengkuk-kuning Besar 1.Belatok Besar Tenggok Kuning (wca)eB 774 obs. R
83Picus puniceusCrimson-winged WoodpeckerBelatok Mas (wca)eB 109 obs. R
84Picus chlorolophus 1.Picus (chlorolophus) rodgeri – pdlLesser Yellownape 1.Malayan Yellownape – pdlBelatok Tengkuk-kuning Kecil 1.Belatok Kecil Tenggok Kuning (wca)eB 552 obs. Lc R
85Yungipicus canicapillus 1.Picoides canicapillus – pdlGrey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker 1.Grey-capped Woodpecker – pdlBelatok Belacan Besar 1.Belatok Belacan (wca)eB 22 obs. In dfh. To 1800m. R  
86Microhierax fringillariusBlack-thighed FalconetFalko Rajawali (wca)180 obs eB. In dfh. Fc R
87Falco peregrinusPeregrine FalconFalko Belalang (wca)19 obs eB. 2024. In dfh. Re R, Uc V
88Loriculus galgulusBlue-crowned Hanging-parrotBayan Serindit Biru. 1.Bayan Serindit (wca)84 obs eB. In dfh. Lc R
89Hydrornis oatesiRusty-naped PittaPacat Gunung (mybis,wells) 1.Pacat Tepus (wca)152 obs eB. Habitat: Montane
90Psarisomus dalhousiaeLong-tailed BroadbillTakau Ekor-panjang 1.Takau Injap (wca)634 obs eB. In dfh. R
91Corydon sumatranusDusky BroadbillTakau Rimba-hujan 1.Takau Rimba Hujan (wca)33 obs eB. In dfh. To 1050m. R
92Serilophus lunatusSilver-breasted BroadbillTakau Tanda-hujan 1.Takau Tanda Hujan (wca)152 obs eB. In dfh. R
93Eurylaimus javanicus 1.Eurylaimus harterti – pdlBanded BroadbillTakau Rimba (wca)45 obs eB. To 1100m.
94Eurylaimus ochromalusBlack-and-yellow BroadbillTakau Hitam-Kuning (mybis) 1.Takau Hitam Kuning (wca)35 obs eB. In dfh. To 970m. R
95Calyptomena viridis 1.Calyptomena (viridis) viridis – pdlGreen BroadbillTakauselawit 1.Takau Selawit (wca)18 obs eB. In dfh, netted. To 1000m.
96Oriolus consanguineusBlack-and-crimson OrioleDendang Mas (wca)1160 obs eB.
97Pteruthius aeralatus 1.Pteruthius flaviscapis (wca)White-browed Shrike-babbler 1.Blyth’s Shrike-babbler – pdlRimbatirjup Belalang 1.Rimba Cekup Belalang (wca)732 obs eB. R  
98Pteruthius melanotis 1.Pteruthius (melanotis) tahanensis – pdl  Black-eared Shrike-babbler 1.Malay Shrike-babbler -pdlRimbatirjup Telinga-hitam 1.Rimba Cekup Telinga Hitam (wca)741 obs eB. R
99Erpornis zantholeuca 1.Yuhina zantholeuca (wca)White-bellied ErpornisRimbaserai 1.Yuhina Perut Putih (wca)353 obs eB. R
100Pericrocotus igneusFiery MinivetMas Tulin (wca)28 obs eB. In dfh. To 1200m. R
101Pericrocrotus solaris 1.Pericrocotus montanus – pdlGrey-chinned Minivet 1.Grey-throated Minivet -pdlMas Dagu-kelabu 1.Mas Dagu Kelabu (wca)1213 obs eB. R
102Pericrocotus speciosus 1.Pericrocotus (flammeus) speciosus – pdlScarlet MinivetMas Belukar (wca) 1.Matahari Besar (mybis)238 obs eB. R
103Pericrocotus divaricatusAshy MinivetMas Padang (wca)29 obs eB. In dfh. To 1500m. V
104Coracina macei 1.Coracina (javensis) larutensis – pdl, dfh 1.Coracina javensis (wca)Large Cuckooshrike 1.Malay Cuckooshrike – pdl 2.Javan Cuckooshrike (wca)Kelabu Besar 1.Sewah Besar (wca)  1061 obs eB. R
105Lalage fimbriataLesser CuckooshrikeKelabu Kecil 1.Sewah Kecil (wca)55 obs eB. In dfh. To 1000m.
106Hemipus picatusBar-winged Flycatcher-shrikeRembah Sayap-putih 1.Rembah Bukit (wca)480 obs eB. Lowland to 1600m. R
107Hemipus hirundinaceusBlack-winged Flycatcher-shrikeRembah Sayap-hitam 1.Rembah Batu (wca)22 obs eB. In dfh. To 1200m. R
108Tephrodornis virgatusLarge WoodshrikeRembah Belukar Besar 1.Rembah Kayu Besar (wca)92 obs eB. R
109Philentoma velataMaroon-breasted PhilentomaRembah Rimba Ungu 1.Sambar Ungu (wca)15 obs eB. In dfh. 1 Top10A. To 1700m. R
 RHIPIDURIDAEFANTAILSSAMBARGILASambar is flycatcher, Muscicapidae
110Rhipidura albicollisWhite-throated FantailSambargila Gunung1563 obs eB. R
111Dicrurus annectensCrow-billed DrongoCecawi Sawai (wca)14 obs eB. In dfh. To 1700m. V
112Dicrurus aeneusBronzed DrongoCecawi Kecil  597 obs eB. Smallest drongo. R
113Dicrurus remiferLesser Racquet-tailed DrongoCecawi Hamba-kera 1.Cecawi Hamba Kera (wca)1549 obs eB. R
114Dicrurus paradiseusGreater Racquet-tailed DrongoCecawi Anting-anting (wca)183 obs eB. To 1700m. R
115Terpsiphone affinisBlyth’s Paradise-flycatcher 1.Oriental Paradise-flycatcher – pdlSambargading Asia 1.Murai Ekor Gading Biasa (mybis,wells)45 obs eB. In dfh. To 1300m. Fc R
116Lanius tigrinusTiger ShrikeTirjup Rimau (wca)115 obs eB. Fc V, Pm
117Lanius cristatus 1.Lanius (cristatus) cristatus – pdlBrown Shrike 1.Northern Brown Shrike – pdlTirjup Tanah 1.Tirjup Tanah Utara  274 obs eB. C V, Pm
118Cissa chinensis 1.Cissa (chinensis) chinensis – pdlCommon Green-MagpieGagak Gunung (wca)752 obs eB. Lc R
119Corvus enca 1.Corvus (enca) compilator – pdlSlender-billed Crow 1.Sunda Crow – pdlGagak Rimba32 obs eB. In dfh. To 1000m. Uc to L Fc R
120Corvus macrorhynchos 1.Corvus (macrorhynchos) macrorhynchos – pdlLarge-billed Crow 1.Southern Jungle Crow – pdlGagak Paruh-besar 1.Gagak Paruh Besar (mybis)804 obs eB. C R
121Culicicapa ceylonensisGrey-headed Canary-flycatcherSambarkenari 1.Sambar Pacat (wca)195 obs eB. C R
122Melanochlora sultanea 1.Melanochlora (sultanea) sultanea – pdlSultan Tit 1.Common Sultan Tit – pdlSerai Sultan (wca)804 obs eB. C R
123Prinia rufescensRufescent PriniaPerenjak Prinia Belukar 1.Perenjak Sampah (wca)232 obs eB. C R
124Prinia flaviventris 1.Prinia (flaviventris) flaviventris – pdlYellow-bellied PriniaPerenjak Prinia Padi 1.Perenjak Padi (wca)34 obs eB. In dfh. To 1800m. C R
125Orthotomus sutoriusCommon TailorbirdPerenjak Pisang (wca)260 obs eB. To 1700m. C R
126Orthotomus atrogularisDark-necked TailorbirdPerenjak Belukar (wca)279 obs eB. To 1400m. R
127Pnoepyga pusillaPygmy Cupwing 1.Pygmy Wren-babbler (wca)Rimbakenit 1.Rimba Lompat (wca)625 obs eB. C R
128Delichon dasypusAsian House MartinSualo Kelabu Asia 1.Martin Asia (wca)50 obs eB. In dfh. Uc V
129Cecropis daurica 1.Cecropis (daurica) daurica – pdlRed-rumped Swallow 1.Asian Red-rumped Swallow – pdl 2.Daurian Swallow – dfhSualo Paya 1.Sualo Gua (wca)58 obs eB. In dfh. To 2400m. C V
130Cecropis badia 1.Cecropis (daurica) badia –  pdlRufous-bellied SwallowSualo Merah507 obs eB. Lc R. Near Endemic
131Hirundo tahitica 1.Hirundo (javanica) javanica – pdlPacific Swallow 1.House Swallow – pdlSualo Batu (wca)1180 ob eB. C R
132Hirundo rustica 1.Hirundo (rustica) rustica – pdlBarn Swallow 1.Eurasian Barn Swallow – pdlSualo Api (wca)440 obs eB. C V, Pm
133Alophoixus ochraceusOchraceous BulbulMerbah Gunung 1.Merbah Beringin (wca)593 obs eB. To 1200m (j&p). R
134Hemixos cinereusCinereous Bulbul 1.Ashy Bulbul (wca)Merbah Abu (wca)260 obs eB. R
135Ixos mcclellandii 1.Ixos (mcclellandii) tickelli – pdlMountain Bulbul 1.Southern Mountain Bulbul – pdlMerbah Lorek-gunung 1.Merbah Lorek Gunung (wca)1551 obs eB. Lc R
136Ixos malaccensisStreaked BulbulMerbah Lorek-bukit 1.Merbah Lorek Bukit (wca)22 obs eB. In dfh. To 1100m. R
137Rubigula flaviventrisBlack-crested BulbulMerbah Jambul-hitam 1.Merbah Jambul Hitam (wca)628 obs eB. R
138Rubigula squamata 1.Ixidia squamata – pdlScaly-breasted BulbulMerbah Sisik 1.Merbah Bersisik (wca)84 obs eB. R
139Rubigula cyaniventris 1.Ixidia cyaniventris – pdlGrey-bellied BulbulMerbah Kelabu (wca)45 obs eB. 2024 (with photo). Not in dfh. To 1000m. R
140Pycnonotus finlaysoniStripe-throated BulbulMerbah Leher-luris 1.Merbah Luris Leher (wca)353 obs eB. R
141Pycnonotus goiavier 1.Pycnonotus (goiavier) analis – pdlYellow-vented Bulbul 1.Sunda Yellow-vented Bulbul – pdlMerbah Kapur (wiki-m,mybis)439 obs eB. Not in wca. R
142Pycnonotus plumosusOlive-winged BulbulMerbah Belukar (wca) obs eB.13 obs eB. In dfh. 2 in biw at Gap. 1 Top10A. R
143Pycnonotus brunneusRed-eyed BulbulMerbah Mata-merah 1.Merbah Mata Merah (wca)40 obs eB. In dfh. To 1200m. R
144Microtarsus melanocephalos 1.Brachypodius atriceps – pdlBlack-headed BulbulMerbah Kepala-hitam 1.Merbah Siam (wca)87 obs eB. To 1200m. R
145Phylloscopus inornatusYellow-browed WarblerCekup Paruh-pendek 1.Cekup Rimba (wca)146 obs eB. Fc-Uc V, Pm
146Phylloscopus coronatusEastern Crowned WarblerCekup Daun (wca)105 obs eB. C V, Pm
147Phylloscopus castanicepsChestnut-crowned WarblerCekup Mahkota-coklat 1.Cekup Mahkota Coklat (wca)654 obs eB. C R
148Phylloscopus montisYellow-breasted WarblerCekup Dada-kuning 1.Cekup Dada Kuning (wca)26 obs eB. In dfh. To 2040m. C-Uc R
149Phylloscopus borealisArctic WarblerCekup Artik (wca)127 obs eB. C V, Pm
150Phylloscopus trivirgatus 1.Phylloscopus (trivirgatus) trivirgatus – pdlMountain Leaf Warbler 1.Sunda Mountain Warbler – pdlCekup Gunung 1.Cekup Daun Gunung (wca)218 obs eB. C R
151Abroscopus superciliarisYellow-bellied WarblerCekupbelukar Perut-kuning 1.Cekup Perut Kuning (wca)364 obs eB. Fc R
152Phyllergates cucullatusMountain TailorbirdCekupbelukar Gunung 1.Perenjak Gunung (wca)877 obs eB. Lc R                            
153Zosterops auriventer 1.Zosterops everetti – dfhHume’s White-eye 1.Everett’s White-eye (previously, inat)Mataputih Belukar 1.Mata Putih Belukar (wca)526 obs eB. Lc R
154Pomatorhinus bornensis 1.Pomatorhinus (montanus) bornensis – pdl 2.P. montanus (wca)Sunda Scimitar-babbler 1.Chestnut-backed Scimitar-babbler (wca)Rimba Sabit Kecil 1.Rimba Hulu (wca)  72 obs eB. Uc R
155Erythrogenys hypoleucos 1.Pomatorhinus hypoleucos (pdl,wca) 2.Megapomatorhinus hypoleucos (mybis)Large Scimitar-babblerRimba Sabit Besar. 1.Rimba Paya (wca)  123 obs eB. Uc R
156Stachyris nigriceps 1.Stachyris (nigriceps) larvata – pdlGrey-throated Babbler 1.Southern Grey-throated Babbler – pdlRimba Tekak-kelabu 1.Rimba Leher Kelabu (wca)727 obs eB. C R
157Mixornis gularis 1.Mixornis (gularis) gularis – pdlPin-striped Tit-babblerRimba Serai Jalur 1.Rimba Berjalur (wca)165 obs eB. Very C R
158Cyanoderma chrysaeumGolden BabblerRimba Mas (wca)1315 obs eB. Lc R
159Cyanoderma rufifronsRufous-fronted BabblerRimba Ubun-perang 1.Rimba Api (wca)41 obs eB. In dfh. 1 Top5N. To 2000m. Lc R
160Malacopteron magnirostre 1.Malacopteron (magnirostre) magnirostre – pdlMoustached Babbler 1.Malay Moustached Babbler – pdlKicaurimba Bermisai 1.Rimba Bermisai (wca)  14 obs eB. Sound recording, 2023. In dfh. To 900m. C R
161Gampsorhynchus torquatus 1.G. rufulus (wca)Collared Babbler 1.White-hooded Babbler (mybis)Kicaurimba Tudung-putih 1.Rimba Tudung Putih (wca)56 obs eB. 1 Top10A. In dfh. Uc to Lc R
162Schoeniparus castanecepsRufous-winged FulvettaKicaurimba Fulveta 1.Rimba Murai Batu (wca)25 obs eB. In dfh. Uc-Lc R
163Pellorneum tickelli 1.Trichastoma tickelli – pdlBuff-breasted BabblerKicaurimba Gunung 1.Rimba Ranting (wca)841 obs eB. Lc R
164Turdinus marmoratusMarbled Wren-babblerKicaurimba Lorek Pacat 1.Rimba Pacat (wca)114 obs eB. 1 Top10A. L Re R
165Gypsophila brevicaudata 1.Turdinus (brevicaudatus) leucostictus – pdl 2.Napothera brevicaudata – lylStreaked Wren-babbler (eB,lyl) 1.Malay Streaked Wren-babbler – pdlKicaurimba Lorek Jalur 1.Rimba Tunggal (wca)  570 obs eB. C R. Near endemic.
166Napothera epilepidota (eB,lyl) 1.Napothera (epilepidota) grant – pdlEye-browed Wren-babbler (eB,lyl) 1.Malay Wren-babbler – pdlKicaurimba Lorek Bercelak 1.Rimba Bercelak (wca)23 obs eB. In dfh. To 2200m. L Uc R. Near endemic
167Alcippe brunneicaudaBrown FulvettaKicau Fulveta Coklat 1.Rimba Murai Coklat (wca)23 obs eB. 2024. Not in dfh. To 1200m. C R
168Alcippe peracensisMountain FulvettaKicau  Fulveta Gunung 1.Rimba Murai Gunong (wca)1816 obs eB. C R
169Cutia nipalensisHimalayan CutiaKicau Kutia 1.Rimba Kutia (wca)64 obs eB. Uc to Lc R
170Pterorhinus mitratus 1.Garrulax mitratus – pdlChestnut-capped LaughingthrushKicau Riang Mata-putih 1.Rimba Genting (wca)2126 obs eB. Lc R
171Melanocichla lugubris 1.Garrulax lugubris – pdlBlack LaughingthrushKicau Riang Hitam 1.Rimba Hitam (wca)363 obs eB. Uc-Lc R
172Trochalopteron peninsulae 1.Garrulax erythrocephalus (wca) 2.Trochalepteron erythrocephalum (mybis)Malayan Laughingthrush 1.Malay Laughingthrush – pdl 2.Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush (wca)Kicau Riang Mahkota-merah 1.Rimba Mahkota Merah (wca)762 obs eB. Lc R
173Heterophasia picaoidesLong-tailed SibiaKicau Sibia 1.Sibia Ekor Panjang (wca)2020 obs eB. Lc R
174Leiothrix argentaurisSilver-eared MesiaKicau Mesia 1.Rimba Telinga Perak (wca)1512 obs eB. C R
175Actinodura cynouroptera 1.Siva (cyanouroptera) cyanouroptera – pdlBlue-winged MinlaKicau Minla Sayap-biru 1.Rimba Murai Gunung (wca)985 obs eB.
176Sitta frontalisVelvet-fronted NuthatchPatuk Baldu (wca)89 obs eB. Obs in biw. R
177Sitta azureaBlue NuthatchPatuk Gunung (wca)741 obs eB. R
178Aplonis panayensisAsian Glossy StarlingPerling Mata-merah 1.Perling Mata Merah (mybis)221 obs eB. None, biw. In dfh. 5 Top10A. Lowlands. C R
179Geokichla sibirica 1.Geokichla (sibirica) sibirica – pdlSiberian ThrushSeriawan Siberia 1.Murai Siberia Kelabu (wca)125 obs eB. Fc V, Pm
180Geokichla citrinaOrange-headed ThrushSeriawan Oren 1.Murai Belanda (wca) 2.Murai Dada Oren (wells)48 obs eB. Uc to Re V, Pm.
181Turdus obscurusEyebrowed ThrushSeriawan Kubur 1.Murai Batu Kubur (wca)26 obs eB. Lc to Uc V, Pm
182+Copsychus saularis 1.Copsychus (saularis) saularis – pdlOriental Magpie-robinMurai Kampung (mybis)Not in eB, sentitive. In dfh. 2 Top10A.
183+Copsychus malabaricus 1.Kittacincla (malabarica) malabarica – pdlWhite-rumped ShamaMurai-rimba BesarNot in eB, sensitive. In dfh. 2 Top10A (photo). To 1500m.
184Muscicapa sibirica 1.Muscicapa (sibirica) cacabata – pdlDark-sided FlycatcherSambar-coklat Sisi-gelap 1.Sambar Sisi-gelap (mybis)76 obs eB. Sc V
185Muscicapa ferrugineaFerruginous FlycatcherSambar-coklat Perang 1.Sambar Sampah (wca)47 obs eB. To 2200m. C V
186Muscicapa dauurica 1.Muscicapa (dauurica) dauurica – pdlAsian Brown FlycatcherSambar-coklat Asia (wca)353 obs eB. C V
187Niltava grandisLarge NiltavaSambar-niltava Besar (mybis) 1.Sambar Besar (wca)1236 obs eB. C R
188Eumyias thalassinusVerditer FlycatcherSambar Ranting (wca)582 obs eB. Fc R
189Anthipes solitarisRufous-browed FlycatcherSambar Rengkong-putih 1.Sambar Rengkong Putih (wca)1255 obs eB. Lc R
190Cyornis unicolorPale Blue-flycatcherSambar Biru-rimba 1.Sambar Rimba (wca)62 obs eB. Not in dfh. Uc R
191Cyornis whitei 1.Cyornis (banyumas) whitei – pdlHill Blue Flycatcher 1.Hill Blue-flycatcher – pdlSambar Biru-bukit 1.Sambar Bukit (wca)272 obs eB. Lc R
192Brachypteryx leucophris 1.Brachypteryx (leucophris) wrayi – pdlLesser Shortwing 1.Malay Lesser Shortwing – pdlMurai-kenit (mybis) 1.Murai Kakap (wca)  758 obs eB. C R
193Larvivora cyaneSiberian Blue RobinMurai Siberia (wca)12 obs eB. In dfh. Lc to Uc V, Pm
194Myiomela leucuraWhite-tailed Robin 1.White-tailed Blue Robin – pdlMurai Ekor-putih 1.Murai Ekor Putih (wca)535 obs eB. Uc R
195Enicurus schistaceusSlaty-backed ForktailMurai-cegar Jalur 1.Murai Cegar Berjalur (wca)619 obs eB. Lc R
196Enicurus ruficapillusChestnut-naped ForktailMurai-cegar Perang 1.Murai Cegar (wca)70 obs eB. To 12000m. Uc R
197Myophonus robinsoniMalayan Whistling-thrush 1.Malay Whistling-thrush – pdlMurai-siul Titiwangsa 1.Murai Tiong Batu (wca)279 obs eB.  Uc R
198Myophonus caeruleus 1.Myophonus (caeruleus) flavirostris – pdlBlue Whistling-thrush 1.Yellow-billed Whistling-thrush – pdlMurai-siul Besar 1.Murai Batu Siul (wca)54 obs eB. To 1800m. Lc R
199Ficedula mugimakiMugimaki FlycatcherSambar Mugimaki (wca)336 obs eB. Uc V
200Ficedula hodgsoniPygmy Flycather 1.Pygmy Blue-flycatcher – pdl, dfhSambar Biru-kecil 1.Sambar Biru Kecil (wca)128 obs eB. Uc R
201Ficedula westermanniLittle Pied FlycatcherSambar Gunung (wca)1047 obs eB. C R
202Irena puellaAsian Fairy-bluebirdKacembang 1.Dendang Gajah (wca)167 obs eB. To 1500m. C R
203+Chloropsis sonneratiGreater Green LeafbirdDaun Besar (wca)Not in eB, sensitive. In dfh. 1 Top5N. 1 Sze. Uc
204Chloropsis (cyanopogon) cyanopogonLesser Green LeafbirdDaun Kecil (wca)61 obs eB. 1 obs biw. In dfh.To 1100m. Fc R
205+Chloropsis hardwickiiOrange-bellied LeafbirdDaun Perut-oren 1.Daun Paruh Oren (wca)Not in eB, sensitive. In dfh. Lc R
206+Chloropsis moluccensisBlue-winged LeafbirdDaun Sayap-biru 1.Daun Sayap Biru (wca)Not in eB, sensitive. Obs Gap road, biw. In dfh.To 1500m. C-Fc R
207Prionochilus maculatusYellow-breasted FlowerpeckerSepahputeri Raja 1.Sepah Puteri Raja (wca)43 obs eB. To 1600m. C R
208Prionochilus percussusCrimson-breasted FlowerpeckerSepahputeri Kayangan 1.Sepah Puteri Kayangan (wca)54 obs eB. C R
209Dicaeum chrysorrheumYellow-vented FlowerpeckerSepahputeri Rimba 1.Sepah Puteri Rimba (wca)59 obs eB. In dfh. To 1600m. Uc-Fc R
210Dicaeum trigonostigma 1.Dicaeum (trigonostigma) trigonostigma – pdlOrange-bellied FlowerpeckerSepahputeri Oren 1.Sepah Puteri Bukit (wca)139 obs eB. C R
211Dicaeum minullum 1.Dicaeum (minullum) minullum – pdlPlain FlowerpeckerSepahputeri Bongsu 1.Sepah Puteri Bongsu (wca)36 obs eB. In dfh. To 1700m. Uc to Fc R
212Dicaeum cruentatumScarlet-backed FlowerpeckerSepahputeri Merah 1.Sepah Puteri Merah (wca)24 obs eB. In dfh. None biw. To 1300m. C R
213Dicaeum ignipectusFire-breasted FlowerpeckerSepahputeri  Sulong 1.Sepah Puteri Sulong (wca)927 obs eB. Fc R
 NECTARINIIDAESUNBIRDSKELICAPSpiderhunter: Kelicap Jantung. Sunbird: Kelicap
214Arachnothera robustaLong-billed SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung Paruh-panjang 1.Kelicap Jantung Paruh Panjang (wca)65 obs eB. Sc R
215Arachnothera longirostraLittle SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung (wca)210 obs eB. C R
216Kurochkinegramma hypogrammicum 1.Arachnothera hypogrammica – pdlPurple-naped SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung Rimba 1.Kelicap Rimba (mybis)34 obs eB. In dfh and biw. To 1100m. Lc R
217Arachnothera magnaStreaked SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung Gunung (wca)1985 obs eB. C R
218Arachnothera flavigasterSpectacled SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung Besar (wca)28 obs eB. In dfh. 1 Top5N. To 1700m. Uc R
219Arachnothera modestaGrey-breasted SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung Dada-kelabu 1.Kelicap Jantung Bukit (wca)36 obs eB. In dfh. To 1200m. Fc R
220Chalcoparia singalensisRuby-cheeked SunbirdKelicap Belukar (wca)17 obs eB. In dfh. To 1400m. 2023 (unsafe). C R
221Anthreptes simplexPlain SunbirdKelicap Kelabu (wca)28 obs eB. In dfh. 1 Top10A. 1 Top5N. To 900m. Uc R
222Cinnyris ornatus 1.Cinnyris (jugularis) ornatus – pdl  Olive-backed Sunbird 1.Ornate Sunbird – pdl  Kelicap Tekak-biru 1.Kelicap Bukit (wca)  24 obs eB. Not in dfh. One biw. 1 Top10A. To 1500m. C R
223Aethopyga saturata 1.Aethopyga (saturata) saturata – pdlBlack-throated SunbirdKelicap Gunung (wca)1703 obs eB. C R
 ESTRILDIDAEWAXBILLSBONDOLMunia is Bondol in Indonesian.
224Lonchura striataWhite-rumped MuniaBondol Tuli 1.Pipit Tuli (mybis,wells,j&p)378 obs eB. To 1800m. 2024. Lc R
225Lonchura punctulata 1.Lonchura (punctulata) nisoria – pdlScaly-breasted MuniaBondol Pinang 1.Pipit Pinang (mybis)52 obs eB. To 1800m. 2024.C R
226Erythrura prasinaPin-tailed ParrotfinchBondol Buluh Ekor-jarum 1.Ciak Ekor Jarum (wca)39 obs eB. In dfh. Uc-Lc
227Passer montanusEurasian Tree SparrowCiak Pokok (mybis,j&p) 1.Ciak Urasia (mybis)123 obs eB. To 1900m. Abudant R
228Anthus rufulusPaddyfield PipitPipit Padi (wca) 1.Pipit-tanah Padang (j&p) 2.Ciak Padang (wells)38 obs eB. In dfh. To 1500m. C R
229Motacilla cinereaGrey WagtailPipit Goyang Kelabu 1.Pipit Batu (wca)557 obs eB. C V, Pm

Checklist B: Birds that are rare for Fraser’s Hill or based on suspect eBird observations.

 Scientific nameEnglish nameMalay nameNotes
1Rhizothera longirostrisLong-billed PartridgeSiul Selanting (wca)eB 16 obs. 2024 (suspect). Scarce R.
2Caloperdix oculeusFerruginous PartridgeSiul Serok-rimba 1.Sang Serok Rimba (wca)eB 26 obs. In dfh. To 1000m. Uc R.
3+Synoicus chinensis – (eB,pdl) 1.Excalfactoria chinensis – lylBlue-breasted Quail 1.King Quail – lyl 2.Asian Blue Quail – pdlPikau1 obs eB. 2011. In dfh, netted. C R.
4+Aythya fuligulaTufted DuckItik Jambul (wca)No obs eB. In dfh. Vt
5  Spilopelia chinensisSpotted Dove 1.Eastern Spotted Dove – pdlTekukur (mybis)eB 32 obs. Not in dfh. To 2000m. R
6Treron olaxLittle Green-pigeonPunai Daun (wca)eB 8 obs. 2022. In dfh. Lowland and hills but may crossover at FH.R
7Treron capelleLarge Green-pigeonPunai Bakok (wca) 1. Punai Besar (mybis)eB 4 obs. In dfh, netted. Lowlands but to 1300m. R
8  Ptinilopus jambu 1.Ramphiculus jambu – pdlJambu Fruit-doveTekukur-jambu 1.Punai Jambu (wca)eB 8 obs. In dfh. To 1600m. R
9  Batrachostomus affinis 1.Batrachostomus (javensis) affinis – pdlBlyth’s FrogmouthSegan Palawan 1.Segan Blyth (mybis)eB 11 obs. 2023 (Call recorded). In dfh. To 1600m. R
10Caprimulgus macrurusLarge-tailed NightjarTukang Kubur (wca)eB 20 obs. Not in dfh. 2024. To 2300m. R
11+Hirundapus caudacutus 1.Hirundapus (caudacutus) nudipes – pdlWhite-throated Needletail 1.Himalayan Needletail – pdlLelayang Jarum Leher-putihNo obs eB. In dfh. V
12Centropus bengalensisLesser CoucalBut-but Kecil (wca) 1.Bubut Kecil (mybis)8 obs eB. 2024, Sze. In dfh, netted. To 1800m. R
13Phaenicophaeus diardiBlack-bellied MalkohaCenok Perut-hitam 1.Cenok Perut Hitam (wca)34 obs eB. 2024. Not in dfh. To 1200m. R
14Phaenicophaeus sumatranusChestnut-bellied MalkohaCenok Kecil (wca)6 obs eB. 2017, C Robson-led. Not in dfh. To 1200m. R
15Clamator coromandusChestnut-winged CuckooSewah Jambul Kepak-perang 1.Sewah Kepak Merah Berjambul (wca)2 obs eB. 2011. In dfh. To 1500m. Uc Pm, V.
16Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchusViolet CuckooSewah Ungu (mybis) 1.Sewah Rembah (wca)8 obs eB. In dfh. To 1300m. 2018. C to Fc R.
17Cuculus saturatus 1.Cuculus (saturatus) saturatusHimalayan CuckooSewah Himalaya9 obs eB. In dfh. To 2000m. Uc R, V, Pm.
18Hierococcyx nisicolorHodgson’s Hawk-cuckoo 1.Whistling Hawk-cuckoo – pdlSewah Tekukur Cina-selatan 1.Sewah Tekukur Cina Selatan (mybis)4 obs eB. 2018. In dfh. To 1500m. Fc to Uc Pm, V.
19Hierococcyx sparverioidesLarge Hawk-cuckooSewah Tekukur Besar (wca)58 obs eB. Not in dfh. Lowlands. Uc to Re Pm, V
20+Heliopais personatusMasked FinfootPedendangIn dfh. V. Netted
21+Zapornia paykulliiBand-bellied CrakeSintar JalurIn dfh. V. Netted
22Rallina fasciataRed-legged CrakeSintar Api (wca)In dfh. R. Netted
23Rallina eurizonoidesSlaty-legged CrakeSintar Merah (wca)eB 6 obs. 2019. In dfh. Re V. Netted
24Amaurornis phoenicurusWhite-breasted WaterhenSintar Ruak-ruak 1.Ruak-ruak (wca,mybis,j&p)eB 17 obs. 2024 (unsafe). In dfh.
25+Gallicrex cinereaWatercockAyam-ayam (wca)In dfh. V (R in North PM). Netted
26+Scolopax rusticolaEurasian WoodcockBerkek UrasiaIn dfh. V. Netted.
27+Gallinago stenuraPin-tailed SnipeBerkek BintikIn dfh. V. Netted
28+Ixobrychus sinensisYellow BitternPucung-kaku MerahIn dfh. R. Netted
29+Ixobrychus eurhythmusShrenck’s Bittern 1.Von Schrenck’s Bittern – dfhPucung-kaku GelamIn dfh. V. Netted
30+Ixobrychus cinnamomeusCinnamon BitternPucung-kaku BendangIn dfh. R. Netted.
31+Ixobrychus flavicollisBlack BitternPucung-kaku HitamIn dfh. V. Netted
32+Butorides striataStriated HeronPucung-kecilIn dfh. R, V
33Gorsachius melanolophusMalayan Night Heron 1.Malay Night-heron – pdlPucung-malam Rimau 1.Pucung Rimau (wca)eB 3 obs, 2003 (1 photo). In dfh. V, Pm
34+Phodilus badiusOriental Bay-owlJampok RimbaIn dfh. R
35Ninox scutulata 1.Ninox japonica – pdlBrown Boobook 1.Brown Hawk-owl (N. scutulata) – pdl, dfh 2.Northern Boobook (N. japonica)Hantu Betamak Pungguk 1.Hantu Betamak (wca)eB 5 obs. 2017. In dfh. To 1200m. C R
36+Otus rufescensReddish Scops-owlHantu Tanduk MerahIn dfh. R
37+Otus suniaOriental Scops-owlHantu Tanduk Kuang-kuikIn dfh. Uc V, Pm
38Ketupa sumatrana 1.Bubo sumatranus – pdl, lylBarred Eagle-owlHantu Lang Bubu 1.Hantu Bubu (wca)eB 9 obs. 2020. In dfh. To 1400m. Uc R
39Pandion haliaetus 1.Pandion (haliaetus) haliaetus – pdlOsprey 1.Western Osprey – pdlHelang 1.Lang Tiram (wca)eB 6 obs, 2024, 1 photo. 4 Top10A. Not in dfh. Uc V, winter from N and S (Australia)
40Aviceda leuphotesBlack BazaLang-baza Hitam 1.Lang Baza Berjambul (wca)eB 3 obs. 2014. In dfh. Fc V
41Aviceda jerdoniJerdon’s BazaLang-baza Perang 1.Lang Baza (wca)eB 4 obs. 2022. Not in dfh. Uc to Re R, Uc V
42Macheiramphus alcinusBat HawkLang-malam 1.Lang Malam (wca)eB 9 obs. 2018. In dfh. To montane. Uc to Lc R
43Harpactes duvauceliiScarlet-rumped TrogonKesumba Puteri (wca)eB 3 obs. 2022 (C Foley). To 1000m. C R
44+Rhinoplax vigilHelmeted HornbillEnggang Tebang MentuaIn dfh. R
45+Ceyx rufidorsaRufous-backed Dwarf-kingfisherPekaka Kerdil-jinggaIn dfh
46+Ceyx erithacaBlack-backed Dwarf-kingfisherPekaka Kerdil-hitamIn dfh, netted.
47+Alcedo atthis 1.Alcedo (atthis) atthis – pdlCommon KingfisherPekaka Cit-cit (wells) 1.Pekaka Cit-cit Kecil (wca,mybis)In dfh. Netted. Fc V, Pm.
48+Halcyon coromandaRuddy KingfisherPekaka Belacan (wca) In dfh. Netted. R, V
49Halcyon smyrnensisWhite-throated Kingfisher 1.White-breasted Kingfisher – pdlPekaka Belukar (wca) 1.Pekaka Dusun (mybis)eB 37 obs. 1 Top5N. Photographed before. Not in dfh. To 1500m. R
50+Halcyon pileataBlack-capped KingfisherPekaka Kopiah-hitamIn dfh. Netted. V
51Actenoides concretusRufous-collared KingfisherPekaka Rimba-besar 1.Pekaka Rimba Besar (wca)eB 6 obs. 2023 (suspect). In dfh. To 1300m. R
52Todiramphus chlorisCollared KingfisherPekaka Bakau (mybis) 1.Pekaka Sungai (wca)eB 9 obs. 2024. In dfh, netted. R, V.
53Psilopogon rafflesiiRed-crowned BarbetTakur Mahkota-merah2 obs Sze. Lady G, Gap Road. Not in dfh. To 200m.
54Gecinulus rafflesii 1.Dinopium rafflesia – pdlOlive-backed WoodpeckerBelatok Rimba (wca)eB 15 obs. Not in dfh. To 1500m. Sc to L Fc. R
55Meiglyptes tukkiBuff-necked WoodpeckerBelatok Tuki-tuki (wca)eB 5 obs. 2023 (unsafe). In dfh. To 1200m. R
56+Falco tinnunculusEurasian Kestrel 1.Common Kestrel – pdl, dfhFalko Serani (wca)1 obs eB. 2009. In dfh. To 2000m. Re V
57Psittinus cyanurusBlue-rumped ParrotBayan Puling (wca)9 obs eB. 2022. In dfh. To 700m. Lc to Uc. R
58+Pitta moluccensisBlue-winged PittaPacat Sayap-biruIn dfh. R, V
59+Pitta sordida (eB,dfh) 1.Pitta (sordida) cucullate  Western Hooded Pitta 1.Chestnut-crowned Pitta – pdl 2.Hooded Pitta – dfhPacat Gembala-pelanduk (wca)In dfh. Netted. V (R North PM)
60Oriolus xanthonotusDark-throated OrioleDendang Senja (wca)9 obs eB. 2023 (AfiqAR). Not in dfh. To 1200m.
61Oriolus chinensis 1.Oriolus (chinensis) diffuses – pdlBlack-naped Oriole 1.Eastern Black-naped Oriole – pdlDendang Selayang (wca)  34 obs eB. In dfh. 1 Top5N. Montane for Pm. Fc V, Pm.
62+Oriolus xanthornusDark-hooded OrioleDendang Senja (wca)In dfh. R
63Aegithina tiphiaCommon IoraKunyit Kecil  24 obs eB. 2023 (unsafe). None biw. In dfh. To 1000m. R
 RHIPIDURIDAEFANTAILSSAMBARGILASambar is flycatcher, Muscicapidae
64Rhipidura javanicaMalaysian Pied-fantail 1.Sunda Pied Fantail – pdlSambargila Kampung 1.Sambar Murai Gila (wca)33 obs eB, (2 in biw). Not in  dfh. To 800m. R
65Dicrurus leucophaeus 1.Dicrurus (leucophaeus) longicaudatus – pdlAshy Drongo 1.Blackish Drongo – pdlCecawi Kelabu (mybis)21 obs eB. Not in dfh. To 2700m. Uc R, Sc Pm, V.
66Hypothymis azureaBlack-naped MonarchSambaraja Uban-hitam 1.Sambar Uban Hitam (wca)12 obs eB. 2022 (suspect). In dfh. To 1000m. R
67Terpsiphone inceiAmur Paradise-flycatcher 1.Chinese Paradise -flycatcher (iucn) – pdlSambargading Cina13 obs eB. 2023. Not in dfh. To 1000m. Uc V
68+Terpsiphone atrocaudataBlack Paradise-flycatcher 1.Japanese Paradise-flycatcher – pdl, dfhSambargading JepunIn dfh. Uc to Re V, Pm
69Platylophus galericulatusCrested Jayshrike 1.Crested Jay – pdlGagakjambul 1.Gagak Jerit (wca)11 obs eB. 2022. In dfh. To 1300m. Uc R
70Lanius schach 1.Lanius (schach) bentet – pdlLong-tailed Shrike 1.Sunda Long-tailed Shrike – pdlTirjup Ekor-panjang  8 obs eB. 2024 (with photo). Not in dfh. To 2100m. Fc R
71Corvus splendensHouse CrowGagak 1.Gagak Rumah (mybis)48 obs eB. 2024. Not in dfh. I C
72Eupetes macrocerusMalaysian Rail-babblerRimbasintar  1.Rimba Malaysia (wca)3 obs eB. 2019. In dfh. To 1200m. Uc R
73Acrocephalus orientalisOriental Reed WarblerCekuppaya Besar1 obs eB. 2014. In dfh, netted. C V, Pm
74+Helopsaltes certhiola (eB,pdl) 1.Locustella certhiola – pdlPallas’s Grasshopper WarblerCekupbelalang PerangIn dfh, netted. C V, Pm
75Phylloscopus plumbeitarsusTwo-barred WarblerCekup Rimba1 obs eB, 2018. In dfh, netted. Very Re V
76+Locustella lanceolataLanceolated WarblerCekupbelalang JalurIn dfh, netted. C V, Pm
77Tricholestes crinigerHairy-backed BulbulMerbah Tengkuk-berbulu 1.Merbah Bulu Panjang Tengkuk (wca)15 obs eB. 1 at Gap, biw. Not in dfh. To 900m. R
78Iole crypta 1.Iole charlottae – pdlBuff-vented BulbulMerbah Riang (wca)21 obs eB. biw, none.  2023. In dfh. 1 Top10A. To 700m. R
79Cyanoderma erythropterumChestnut-winged BabblerRimba Sayap-perang 1.Rimba Merbah Sampah (wca)11 obs eB. 2022. Not in dfh. 1 Top5N. To 1200m. C R
80Malacopteron magnumRufous-crowned BabblerKicaurimba Tua-besar 1.Rimba Tua Besar (wca)10 obs eB. 2022 (AfiqAR). Not in dfh. None, biw. To 700m. C R
81Pellorneum nigrocapitatum 1.P. (nigrocapitatum) nigrocapitatum – pdl 2. P. capistratum – lylMalayan Black-capped Babbler 1.Malay Black-capped Babbler – pdl 2.Black-capped Babbler -lylKicaurimba Kopiah-hitam 1.Rimba Kopiah Hitam (wca)5 obs eB. 2023, photo. 1 Top5N. Not in dfh. To 1000m. C R
82Pellorneum bicolor 1.Trichastoma bicolor – pdlFerruginous BabblerKicaurimba Perang 1.Rimba Sampah (wca)9 obs eB. biw, none. 2024. 1 Top10A. Not in dfh. To 950m. L Uc-C R
83Kenopia striataStriped Wren-babblerKicaurimba Tanda-hujan 1.Rimba Tanda Hujan (wca)8 obs eB. 2024. Not in dfh. To 750m. Fc R
84Actinodura strigula – eB,lyl 1.Chrysominla strigula – pdlChestnut-tailed Minla 1.Bar-throated Minla – pdl, lylKicau Minla Tekak-jalur 1.Rimba Murai Keladi (wca)5 obs eB. 2020. Not in dfh. 1600-2000m. Lc R
85Agropsar sturninusDaurian Starling 1.Purple-backed Starling – pdlPerling Belakang-unu4 obs eB. In dfh, netted. Lc V
86+Zoothera daumaScaly ThrushSeriawan SisikIn dfh. Hills and montane forests. Vt
87Muscicapa williamsoni 1.Muscicapa (dauurica) williamsoni – pdlBrown-streaked FlycatcherSambar-coklat Belantara 1.Sambar Belantara (wca)11 obs eB. 2019. In dfh. To 1300m. Re R (West PM), Uc V (PM).
88Cyanoptila cumatilis 1.C. cyanomelana – dfhZappey’s Flycatcher 1.Blue-and-white Flycatcher – dfhSambar Cina3 obs eB. In dfh for Blue-and-white flycatcher, before considered conspecific (inat). Breeds in China. Sc V
89Cyornis brunneatusBrown-chested Jungle-flycatcherSambar Rimba-cina 1.Sambar Dada-coklat (wca)3 obs eB. 2019 (unsafe). In dfh, netted. Mostly < 750m but to 1000m. Breeds China. Uc V, Pm
90+Cyornis rubeculoidesBlue-throated FycatcherSambar Tekak-biruIn dfh, netted. Species not listed in  pdl. V
91Leucoptilon concretum 1.Cyornis concretus – pdlWhite-tailed FlycatcherSambar Biru-putih 1.Sambar Ekor Putih (wca)3 obs eB. 2007 (Kok Hui Tan, C.Foley) Uc R
92Ficedula zanthopygiaYellow-rumped FlycatcherSambar Tongkeng-kuning 1.Sambar Tongkeng Kuning (wca)5 obs eB. In dfh. C V
93Ficedula dumetoriaRufous-chested FlycatcherSambar Dada-oren 1.Sambar Dada Oren (wca)14 obs eB. 2024 (AfiqAR).  Not in dfh. None biw. To 820m. Lc R
94Ficedula hyperythraSnowy-browed FlycatcherSambar Dahi-putih 1.Sambar Kudong (wca)7 obs eB. 2023. In dfh. C R
95+Calliope calliopeSiberian RubythroatMurai Tekak-merahNo obs eB. In dfh, netted 1968. Vt
96+Monticola gularisWhite-throated Rock-thrushMurai-batu MerahIn dfh, netted. Re V.
97Monticola solitariusBlue Rock-thrushMurai-batu Biru3 obs. 1999. In dfh. Uc R, Uc V
98Dicaeum agile 1.Dicaeum (agile) obsoletum – pdlThick-billed Flowerpecker 1.Modest Flowerpecker – pdlSepahputeri Paruh-tebal 1.Sepah Puteri Paruh Tebal (mybis)7 obs eB. 2019. In dfh. To 1500m. Uc R
99Prionochilus thoracicusScarlet-breasted FlowerpeckerSepahputeri 1.Sepah Puteri (wca)12 obs eB. In dfh. To 1300m. L Uc R
 NECTARINIIDAESUNBIRDSKELICAPSpiderhunter: Kelicap Jantung. Sunbird: Kelicap
100Arachnothera crassirostrisThick-billed SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung Paruh-tebal 1.Kelicap Jantung Paruh Tebal (wca)13 obs eB. 2024. In dfh. To 1200m. Uc R
101Arachnothera chrysogenysYellow-eared SpiderhunterKelicap Jantung Telinga-kuning 1.Kelicap Jantung Telinga Kuning (wca)13 obs eB. In dfh. 1 Top10A. To 1800m. Fc R
102Aethopyga temminckiiTemminck’s SunbirdKelicap Merah (wca)8 obs eB. 2017 (unsafe). In dfh. Lowland to hills, not montane. Uc R
 ESTRILDIDAEWAXBILLSBONDOLMunia is Bondol in Indonesian.
103Lonchura leucogastraWhite-bellied MuniaBondol Padi 1.Pipit Padi (mybis)8 obs eB. To 700m. 2020 (Neoh HK). Uc R
104Dendronanthus indicusForest WagtailPipit Goyang Rimba 1.Pipit Rimba (wca)5 obs eB. In dfh. To 1000m. 2018 (unsafe). Fc V, Pm
105Anthus hodgsoniOlive-backed PipitPipit Padang (wca)3 obs. In dfh. To 1500m. 2018 (Neoh HK). L Uc V, Pm
106Motacilla tschutschensis 1.Motacilla (tschutschensis) tschutschensis – pdl 1.Motacilla flava – dfhEastern Yellow Wagtail 1.Yellow Wagtail – dfhPipit Goyang Kuning-timur 1.Pipit Kuning (mybis)11 obs eB. In dfh. To 1200m. 2014 (unsafe). C V, Pm
107Pyrrhula nipalensis 1.Pyrrhula waterstradti – pdl 2..Pyrrhula nipalensis waterstradti (inat)Brown Bullfinch 1.Malay Bullfinch – pdlPipitgunung 1.Pipit Gunung (mybis,wells,j&p)21 obs eB. 2011. In dfh. Recent records are in Cameron H. Uc to Re R. Endemic.


We would like to thank Aaron Sze and Takara Ito for submitting their birding lists to us. And comments from Datuk Dr Amar Singh HSS. Also thank you to Dr Tan Beng Hui for going through an earlier draft.


Attorney General’s Chambers (2012). Wildlife Conservation (amendment of schedule order 2012) published by the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC 2012). Kuala Lumpur.   (AGC 2012)

Jeyarajasingam, A., and Pearson, A. (2012). A Field Guide to the Birds of Peninsular Malaysia and Sigapore. Oxford University Press. Oxford (J&P)

Lim, K,S., Yong, D.L., Lim, K.C (2024). A Field Guide to the Birds of Malaysia. John Beaufoy Publishing: Oxford (LYL)

MNS Bird Conservation Council (2021). A Checklist of the Birds of Malaysia, 2020 Edition. Malaysian Nature Society: Kuala Lumpur (MNS 2020)

 Puan, C.L., Davison, G., Lim, K.C. (2020). Checklist of the Birds of Malaysia. Lynx: Barcelona (PDL)

Rosli Omar (2018). Birds of the Forest of Peninsular Malaysia: a photographic guide. SIRD: Petaling Jaya.

Wells, D.R. (1999). Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Academic Press. San Diego. (Wells)

Wells, D.R. (2007). Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Volume Two: Passerines. Christopher Helm. London (Wells)


Aaron Sze’s Fraser’s Hill trip list,  (Last accessed 21 September 2024)

eBird list for Fraser’s Hill. (Last accessed 21 September 2024)

iNaturalist.             (Last accessed 21 September 2024)

IUCN Redlist.             (Last accessed 21 September 2024)

MyBIS. Malaysian Biodiversity Information System.  (Last accessed 21 September 2024)

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