Gibbon Rehabilitation Centre

This is a post from Mariani Ramli or Bam of the Gibbon Rehabilitation Centre (facebook, ):

The gibbon rehabilitation project currently ran by PEKA (previously ran under GPSM) is entering it’s critical phase.
A new government that promised check and balance and transparency in environmental and conservation issues took over the country in the last election, bringing much hopes to end the self-destructive practices of Perhilitan and KATS (Kementerian Air, Tanah & Sumber Asli) under the previous government.

As usual, the whole political dance of applying for a special permit from KATS were put in motion again. Application sent currently under PEKA as principal for the project.

With it’s 6 older gibbons near maturing and well underway to be rehabilitated and re-wilded, the Gibbon Rehabilitation Center – headed by our own Malaysian Gibbon Expert in IUCN’s Small Apes Section, Primatologist Mariani Ramli (Bam) – received 2 new juvenile gibbons as a result of a cooperation between PEKA & PDRM operation to dismantle a wildlife trading.

Sad news, the two Juveniles received was demanded to be surrendered to PERHILITAN. Objections were sent to Ministry (KATS) and were dismissed by KATS quoting PERHILITAN’s procedures and juridiction. KATS also asked PEKA to apply for the two gibbons to be rehabilitated at the Raub site. This is despite knowing how many wildlife were kept in deplorable conditions in PERHILITAN’s facility, until their death or worse, hard-released without rehabilitation. PERHILITAN also has no known primate rehabilitation experts in their employ at the time being.

Ran out of options and to be on the law abiding side, PEKA relented by agreeing to surrender the two juveniles.

Yesterday – 22nd November, in the middle of filming a documentary for Majalah 3, PERHILITAN staffs arrived with vehicles to take the gibbons. One of the vehicles that was meant to transport the gibbons 6-7 hours away to Sungkai, was found to be NOT an air conditioned vehicle, instead it was an open top vehicle which means the juvenile gibbons would be exposed to sun an rain throughout the journey.

All humane attempts to capture the gibbons inside the large enclosure were exhausted by the end of day one.

In the second day, PERHILITAN attempted to use the “feeding tunnel” at the site to trap the gibbons inside while they’re feeding in there. Mariani, the head of the rehabilitation objected, not wanting the juveniles to be traumatised by the capture to a point they may totally avoid the tunnel which would also serve as an introduction tunnel for mating process in later Rehabilitation stages. The second day also, PERHILITAN almost resorted to using the high risk method – tranquilizer darts – to capture the gibbons..

However, the unexpected presence of a mainstream newspaper Journalist discouraged them from using such a high risk method, presumably for fear of having a dead or injured juvenile in their hands with media as witnesses.

Pray for tomorrow. They will try again.

New Youtube video added:

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